Atlas of Human Evolution
Interactive Maps Covering 7 Million Years of Hominid Evolution:
The Age of Australopithecus
7 Million – 1.6 million years ago.
Explore an interactive map covering 5 and ½ million years of Hominid evolution in Africa. Covering the rise of the Australopithecines and Homo erectus, the first species to leave Africa.
7 Million – 1.6 million years ago.
Explore an interactive map covering 5 and ½ million years of Hominid evolution in Africa. Covering the rise of the Australopithecines and Homo erectus, the first species to leave Africa.
The Age of Homo Erectus
1.7 Million – 130,000 years ago.
Explore an interactive map that covers the story of the first Hominids to leave Africa and venture into Europe and Asia and how early Hominids adapted in unique ways to the environments they encountered, developing into Neanderthals in Europe, Denisovans in Asia, and our own species: Homo sapiens in Africa.
1.7 Million – 130,000 years ago.
Explore an interactive map that covers the story of the first Hominids to leave Africa and venture into Europe and Asia and how early Hominids adapted in unique ways to the environments they encountered, developing into Neanderthals in Europe, Denisovans in Asia, and our own species: Homo sapiens in Africa.
The Age of Homo Sapiens
130,000 years ago – the present.
Explore an interactive map covering the story of our own species: Homo Sapiens, and how they came to migrate and settle all over the world, at first interbreeding with the other Hominid species they found, but ultimately out-competing them and inheriting their lands as the only surviving big brained Hominid today.